Our Dedicated Reporting
Every client has a dedicated portal. You can see exactly what we’re working on for the next 12 weeks.
Our clients receive enriched, personalised data about campaigns, which allows us to effectively plan and evaluate the scope of work, and easily store and share client-related files, this Increases the automation and efficiency of our client management workflows.
Every client has a dedicated portal.
You may log in to your dedicated portal dashboard and see our team working on your project in real-time, at any time you like.
You're able to read raw communication between the team and see unfiltered discussions & updates.
On the portal, you can see exactly what we’re working on for the next 12 weeks.
Every month at the start of the month, the team will update the portal with the next month's tasks. Certain tasks will be stretched out due to size, however, we will always try and overwork an account if we have time.
All tasks are very fluid.
All reports are then sent, usually within 5 working days of the new month (when GSC has updated).
Followed by a Google doc with a solid commentary, explaining what’s been done, and how it’s helping you.