
Why Content Writing for Marketing Is Important

Category - Marketing

You’ve heard the phrase ‘content is king’ a thousand times, but why is content writing so important to your SEO efforts?

Well, if you want to improve your organic search visibility, if you want to move up the SERP rankings, if you want to drive more traffic toward your website, content writing is the answer.

Content Writing for Marketing and your digital marketing campaign

In your digital marketing toolbox, you have lots of tools at your disposal – from social media marketing to email marketing, branding to SEM, web page copy to blog posts – what links them all? Written content.

Written content is the foundation for almost everything you publish online. It’s how you communicate with your customers. Without it, you have very little to offer your audience.

  • Content writing helps you educate your audience, build trust with clients and bolster relationships.
  • Content writing showcases your expertise, positioning you as the leader in your field.
  • Content writing builds brands, it’s how you promote your business online – it gets your business the attention it deserves.

Never underestimate the power of awesome content writing.

Let’s check this out in more depth.

Content educates

When done well, the content you produce can be used to educate your audience. Not in a condescending way, but in an enlightening, eye-opening way. It can take your customers on a voyage of discovery that they didn’t even know they needed to go on.

Before customers decide whether to choose your products or services, most people will check you out. They’ll research to find out whether you offer the best product, whether you are the most competitive, and whether your service is the most cost-effective. Your content will educate your audience as to exactly what it is you can give them.

You can provide educational content in the form of blog posts, on your product pages themselves, on your home page, on your about us page, on your social media platforms, or through your email marketing campaigns.

Focus your educational content on answering your audience’s key questions – write how-to’s, show them best practices, and create top 10s. Address their concerns and anticipate their needs and they’ll love you for it.

If you don’t know what to say, put yourself in your customers’ shoes – what would you want to know about your product or service? How can what you sell to make your customers’ lives easier?

Remember, people buy outcomes, not products.

Content helps SEO

Search engines are the go-to place for customers to carry out their research and ask questions. If you can provide the most relevant and in-depth answers to their questions, you’ll be handsomely rewarded by the search engine Gods.

This is why content and SEO go hand and hand. In the world of digital marketing, anything you can do to get your website bumped up the SERP rankings is a clear winner. Written content is, and always will, help your SEO efforts.

SEO is a balancing act of keywords, backlinks, visitors and a myriad of other mystery requirements. The point is, without content, you have nowhere to incorporate these things nowhere for visitors to land, nothing to read, and no extra information to offer them.

Use relevant keyword placement in your content, in your headings, and your titles. Optimise your articles and experience the payoff in the form of increased organic traffic. Because when your content is good, people want to link to it, and they naturally want to share it.

Content writing builds brands

You get people to buy from you by becoming a recognisable and trusted brand. You get consumers on the side by sharing content with them via the channels they are browsing.

Your content says more about who you are than you could know – ill-chosen words, poor grammar and irrelevant copy are detrimental to your brand. Content will make your brand, so it pays to invest.

Use your social media accounts, your blog, your email newsletter, and your website, to showcase your brand through creative, useful and relevant content.

Content writing drives traffic

Great content writing will increase the organic traffic visiting your website. When you write the type of content that appeals to your target audience, they’re going to naturally want more, hopefully flocking to your site in their droves and exponentially increasing your revenue.

But it has to be the right type of content writing if you want to increase traffic, engagement and conversion – you have to write highly engaging content.

How to write great content

  1. Create an outline. Outlining before you start will help you gather and order your thoughts into what you want to say. It makes the actual writing process much quicker. Plus it means you will incorporate all your major talking points.
  2. Research your chosen topic. Either write fresh content from scratch or rework existing content. Use BuzzSumo, for example, to discover popular content in your niche and use it as a guide for your outline.
  3. Use tools to help you. On-page SEO is easier than you think with a tool like Surfer. They offer data-driven, real-time guidelines that make it easier to write content that converts.
  4. Make it easy to read. Break up your content with bullet points. Embrace white space. Sprinkle in visuals if appropriate.
  5. Write content that gets noticed:
    • Create attention-grabbing headlines.
    • Take time to craft the introduction, but keep it short.
    • Target keywords with high search volumes in your niche.
    • Use unusual facts.
    • Make it actionable
    • Approach common topics from an unusual angle.
    • Use numbers in your writing.
    • Ask leading questions.
    • Cover the intriguing points of your business.
    • If you have specifics, use them.
    • Real-life examples are even better.
    • Check your spelling and grammar

Whether your desired reach is local or global, hiring us to help you rank number one in search engine results is the best investment you can make. Contact us today, and let’s get started!

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